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RTMC Time component stops updating

seb Jul 31, 2018 03:42 AM


We have noticed recently that after updating one of our RTMC projects to use LNDB instead of the Loggernet cache, we are seeing a few of the components stop updating occasionally.

It seems to only be heppening on Time components, for two different stations (though we have plenty of other time components looking at the same thing for different stations), which are set to show the 'Data Time In Last Record From Table' for a 10 minute table.

We have a No Data Alarm sitting under the time so that it goes red when it hasn't updated, and when the problem occurs we see that the time is an old time (a few days in the last) and there is a red/yellow exclamation mark in the top right corner of the time. The no data alarm stays un-triggered though.

I've had a good look through the MySQL database logs, LNDB logs, and dat files on the LN server, and can't see any indication of a fault occuring with collections or DB read/write. near the time of the fault.

Has anyone come across a similar issue, or have any suggestions at where to look next to diagnose this further?



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