At Campbell Scientific, we take pride in designing and manufacturing reliable measurement products that can be counted on, even in unforgiving environments. We maintain this dedication to quality while keeping a focus on value and economy. However, our products are not immune to every natural event, to accidents, or to the occasional component failure and may need professional repair. We also understand the role that recalibration has in keeping measurements accurate and reliable. A group of 10 dependable individuals in our Repair Department work to provide these important services.

Many companies treat their repair and calibration departments as profit centers. At Campbell Scientific, we view ours as an extension of our commitment to producing quality products. You have a significant investment in our products and our intent is to service them at reasonable rates and get them back in the field as quickly as possible.

If you think you may need a repair, the first step is always to talk to one of our application engineers. They have a great deal of experience and knowledge and do an excellent job of verifying if a repair is necessary or determining which component in a system is faulty. This reduces cost and increases efficiency for both you and us. When a problem is identified, we’ll issue you an RMA (return merchandise authorization) number that you can use for returning the product.

When a product comes in for repair or recalibration, our goal is to have it serviced, tested, and delivered to our shipping department in five days or less—though there can be seasonal variation. We are very conscientious about this. We find that most of the time we meet this goal, and we meet weekly to discuss those that don’t make it. Sometimes we do have to wait for paperwork to be submitted from a customer. Accessories not manufactured directly by Campbell Scientific may need to be returned to the original vendor, taking extra time.

We have a skilled staff of technicians dedicated to fixing products right. We troubleshoot to the component and identify the exact source of a problem. In the event of a high component failure rate, we communicate this information to Engineering so products can be redesigned.

Our products have a history of longterm field operation, and we provide repair for as long as we can get replacement parts. We still routinely service 21X and CR10 dataloggers—products that were first released in the 1980s.

In addition to repair, we view our calibration services as an important part of maintaining measurement fidelity. Because analog measurement drift is influenced by the environment, it is difficult to give an absolute guideline for recommended intervals of recalibration. Many units are still within specifications after five or six years if used in moderate conditions, while others are outside of specifications within a year or two of operating in extreme environments.

By comparing the before and after calibration readings, you can determine how often recalibration should occur. A sound approach is to recalibrate after two years and then extend or reduce the time interval based on the results of the recalibration.

Campbell Scientific has recently partnered with a laboratory accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) to better serve those who require calibration under ISO 17025. Allow at least three extra weeks for this service.

When considering your recalibration schedules, keep in mind that December, January, and February provide an opportune time to prepare for the summer field season. An RMA number is also required for recalibrations, but you do not need to talk to an application engineer.

Mission Statement

We, in the Repair Department, strive to respond promptly to the customer in order to meet their needs and requests in a timely manner. We collect meaningful data and produce reports providing feedback to continually enhance product and design quality.