Der CR3000 unterstützt komplexe Aufbauten mit zahlreichen Sensoren. Er ist schnell genug, um Eddy-Kovarianzsysteme mit Energiebilanz zu steuern. Mehrere CR3000 können ein Netzwerk bilden, aber er kann auch allein oder mit anderen Loggern arbeiten.
Der CR3000 ist erhältlich mit einer Rückwand mit aufladbarer Batterie, mit einer Rückwand mit alkalinen Batterien oder mit einer einfachen Rückwand ohne Stromversorgung. Er verfügt über eine eingebaute 16erTastatur und ein 128 zu 64 Pixel Display mit Hintergrundbeleuchtung.
Lesen Sie mehrDer CR3000 befindet sich in einem abgeschlossenen Gehäuse und besteht aus Mess- und Steuerelektronik, Anschlüssen zur Kommunikation, Tastatur mit 16 Zeichen, 128x64 Pixel-Display und Haltegriff.
Der Logger ist erhältlich mit einer Rückwand mit aufladbarer Batterie, mit einer Rückwand mit alkalinen Batterien oder mit einer einfachen Rückwand ohne Stromversorgung. Durch seinen geringen Stromverbrauch kann er über lange Zeiträume mit einer Batterie, die mit Solarzellen wieder aufgeladen wird, arbeiten. Fällt die Spannung unter 9,6V, setzt der CR3000 mit den Messungen aus um ungenaue Werte zu vermeiden.
Der Logger wird über CR-Basic programmiert, eine BASIC-ähnliche Programmiersprache, für einfache Anwendungen reicht auch der freie visuelle Editor Shortcut. In CR-Basic enthalten sind Messbefehle für Brückenmessungen, Spannungsmessungen, Thermoelemente und Puls/Frequenzmessungen. Datenverarbeitung im Logger kann über algebraische, transzendente und statistische Funktionen erfolgen. Außerdem werden die Daten gespeichert und es können externe Geräte kontrolliert werden.
-NOTE- | Note: Additional specifications are listed in the CR3000 Specifications Sheet. |
Operating Temperature Range |
Maximum Scan Rate | 100 Hz |
Analog Inputs | 28 single-ended or 14 differential (individually configured) |
Pulse Counters | 4 |
Voltage Excitation Terminals | 4 (VX1 to VX4) |
Communications Ports |
Switched 12 Volt | 2 terminals |
Digital I/O |
Input Limits | ±5 Vdc |
Analog Voltage Accuracy | ±(0.04% of reading + offset) at 0° to 40°C |
ADC | 16-bit |
Power Requirements | 10 to 16 Vdc |
Real-Time Clock Accuracy | ±3 min. per year (Correction via GPS optional.) |
Internet Protocols | FTP, HTTP, XML POP3, SMTP, Telnet, NTCIP, NTP, |
Communication Protocols | PakBus, Modbus, DNP3, SDI-12, SDM |
Idle Current Drain, Average | 2 mA (@ 12 Vdc) |
Active Current Drain, Average |
Dimensions |
Weight |
Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.
Product | Compatible | Note |
LoggerNet | Version 3.2 or higher | |
PC200 (retired) | ||
PCONNECT (retired) | Version 3.2 or higher | |
PCONNECTCE (retired) | Version 2.1 or higher | |
RTDAQ | Version 1.0 or higher | |
Short Cut |
Product | Compatible | Note |
PC400 | Version 1.3 or higher |
With several channel types, the CR3000 is compatible with nearly every available sensor, including thermocouples, SDI-12 sensors, and 4 to 20 mA sensors. A custom ASIC chip expands its pulse count, control port, and serial communications capabilities. The CR3000's I/O ports can be paired as transmit and receive, allowing serial communications with serial sensors and devices.
The CR3000 is compatible with all of our CDMs (requires an SC-CPI), SDMs, multiplexers, vibrating-wire interfaces, terminal input modules, and relays.
The CR3000 communicates with a PC via direct connect, Ethernet interfaces, multidrop modems, short-haul modems, phone modems (land line, digital cellular, and voice-synthesized), RF telemetry, and satellite transmitters (Argos, Iridium, and Inmarsat).
Data can be viewed on its onboard keyboard display, user-supplied iOS or Android device (requires LoggerLink), CD295 DataView II Display, or a user-supplied PDA (PConnect or PConnectCE software required).
Compatible external data storage devices are the CFM100, NL115, and SC115.
The CR3000 can be housed in an ENC12/14, ENC14/16, ENC16/18, ENC24/30, or ENC24/30S enclosure.
The CR3000 is typically powered by its on-board alkaline or rechargeable power supply (see Ordering Info). When the rechargeable power supply is used, its internal 7 A h sealed rechargeable battery needs be charged via a vehicle (requires the DCDC18R), solar panel, or ac wall charger.
The CR3000 can also come with a low-profile base that requires a user-supplied dc source. It is preferred when the system’s power consumption needs a larger capacity battery or when it’s advantageous for the Micrologger to be thinner and lighter.
CRBasic, the CR3000's full programming language, supports simple or complex programming and many on-board data reduction processes. Compatible software includes:
Execution of this download installs the CR3000 Operating System and Compiler on your computer. It also updates the CR3000 support files for the CRBasic Editor.
Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used to upload the included operating system to the datalogger.
Upgrading from versions prior to version 28 of the Operating System will reset the datalogger’s CPU drive. This is due to a change in the format of the file system from FAT16 to FAT32. In order for the datalogger to operate correctly, as part of the upgrade, the CPU drive is formatted to FAT32. Any programs stored and running from the CPU drive will be lost. It is not recommended to update the datalogger’s Operating System over a remote connection where program control regulates the communication equipment (turning it on or off, etc.). In these cases, an on-site visit and a backup using DevConfig’s backup utility is necessary to update the datalogger’s Operating System.
Watch the Video Tutorial: Sending an OS to a Local Datalogger.
In all cases where the datalogger is being updated from an Operating System prior to 28, the use of DevConfig’s backup utility is recommended due to the CPU drive being formatted using the new FAT32 format.
A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)
Number of FAQs related to CR3000: 161
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Look for a stamp on top of the battery. The stamp should be in a date format of YYMMDDXX where:
This indicates the age of the battery.
To evaluate the condition of the battery:
Yes, using the following steps:
This depends on the average current drain on the battery and whether there is a solar panel or wall charger connected to the charger. For guidance on determining average current drain, see our "Power Supplies" application note.
Yes. The 12 V terminals have a thermal switch that allows 900 mA at 20°C, 650 mA at 50°C, and 360 mA at 85°C.
1. Connectez l'alimentation électrique au système d’acquisition de données
2. Télécharger le pilote
3. Ouvrez le Gestionnaire de périphériques
There are eight multifunction control terminals on a CR3000. These terminals can act as digital inputs, digital output control, or as transmit/receive for serial communications.
Yes. Campbell Scientific offers a variety of telecommunications options besides Ethernet, including spread-spectrum radios, licensed radio-frequency modems, cellular modems, satellite transmitters (send data only), land-line phone modems, and other direct connection methods.